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Small change, big impact

No more plastic in our oceans - the damage is irreversible

The UK produces more plastic waste per person than any other country (Greenpeace UK). We have been warned that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050, seriously affecting sea life, entering the food chain and being consumed by not only our sea life, but us too.

Researchers have estimated that up to 12 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the ocean every year - a rubbish truck every minute. Microplastics are broken down on the land, dispersed into the soil and passing up the food chain, contaminating ecosystems and poisoning not only us, but the cattle and wild life grazing on that land. A shocking 72% of plastic packaging is not recovered at all and 40% ends up in landfill.

Wet wipes? Handy but equally problematic - make the switch to a soap kit

Every year the UK uses 11 billion wet wipes. 90% of which contain some form of plastic, which when broken down turn into microplastics - polluting our oceans, being ingested by wildlife, entering the water supply and our food chains. We are flushing or binning 11 billion wet wipes which can take up to 100 years to biodegrade. Plastic doesn't go away - it just slowly breaks down into smaller particles and shreds fibres - polluting land, rivers and oceans. In our sewers the build-up of unflushables congeal and cause fatbergs - wet wipes account for a shocking 90% of materials in fatbergs.

This is only the beginning though, Water UK has said that in the UK, water companies spend approximately £88 million of consumers money cleaning around 360,000 blockages annually - money that could be better spent on helping provide clean water to communities who need it. Half of the blockages are avoidable and caused by incorrect disposal of wet wipes. Half of £88 million being wasted.

It is time for accountability from many industries, including beauty

With 95% of packaging thrown away, it is one of the biggest sustainability issues facing the beauty industry. Only 14% of packaging actually makes it to a recycling plant, only 9% is recycled, and the rest heads directly to landfill. There are 120 billion units of packaging produced every year by the global cosmetics industry. They massively contribute to the world's growing plastic waste crisis. Recycling single-use plastic is not the solution - as it can take up to 450 years for some types of plastic to break down. Plus, only two of the seven plastic categories are actually recyclable.

The festival waste problem

There are over 500 summer music festivals in the UK. According to a report by Creative Carbon Scotland, UK festival-goers create the equivalent of over 2.7 kg of waste per person per day. We want to find solutions. We are committing to the recyclable packaging in line with the UK Plastic Pact.

How? Natural Soap Wash Kits. Our 100% natural soap and bamboo cloth, recyclable aluminium Wash Kits

· reduce the need for multiple single-use plastic skincare products

· eliminate the need for wet wipes

· provide a healthier alternative for our skin and our planet

· focus on the plastic pollution crisis we desperately need to change

[A11y Video Description 1: A white woman wearing a blue t-shirt and wearing a leg brace, sits in a field in front of a Pyramid Stage. She has a wooden board and is carving soap. She signs Soap Glastonbury Festival in British Sign Language. She uses a soap cutter to cut two blocks of soap. Inside the soap bars it says Glasto. She puts a soap bar into an aluinium tin with a cotton face cloth. There are two dogs running around in the background, she then walks to them and dances.

A11y Video Description 2: A white woman wearing a blue hooded top and wearing a leg brace is on a beach with the ocean in the distance and a dog running around. She places a soap cutter on the sand and cuts an orange block of soap. Inside the soap bar it spells Glasto in brown soap. The camera zooms in to show surfers in the sea and the pans back to show the soap cutter, sea and rocks in the distance.]

My parents have lived in Pilton for the past 45 years. I grew up with Worthy Farm as my playground, swinging on the old Pyramid stage that was a permanent structure until it caught fire in 1994. Enjoying the land, farm life and wildlife was a privilege, now I’d like to help preserve the land and the life that resides there, as best as possible. What an experience my childhood was, especially in June of most years. I have been attending the festival since I was born, and so have my children. This year will be my Grandson's first festival too!

The Leave No Trace Soap Kit is a step towards tackling the environmental problems and risk to humans, animals and wildlife. It is a multi-functional - we have Travel Wash Kits available of our Chakra and Unscented Soap Bar Range. They are really useful for gym, sports, travelling and days out - suitable for hand, face and body, gentle for sensitive skin and babies too. The ingredients are 100% natural - no synthetic fragrances or mica colours are used. Instead, Pure Essential Oils create aroma and natural clays / superfoods create colour. Aluminium tins are handy to reuse and are recyclable. Organic bamboo face cloths are safe and sustainable, plant based ingredients are organic where possible. Sourced from a FairTrade UK company who founded a Cooperative supporting makers, businesses and communities in Ghana. Handmade soaps contain zero chemicals and zero waste. They are safe for our skin and our planet.

If you are taking a trip to Worthy Farm this June - you will have the best time, it is one very special place.


(I love you in Maltese)


We'd love to hear what you think.

How can the beauty industry make positive changes?

Have you been to Glastonbury Festival? We'd love to hear some of your favourite memories and experiences!

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