There are 14.1 million disabled people in the UK yet within the beauty industry product inclusivity and accessibility is often lacking. We believe it is crucial that voices are listened to and amplified - the necessity of lived experience is regularly overlooked. At the forefront of design all industry leaders, contributors and influencers should think universal; how we can make our products accessible to everyone. The misconception is of 'other'; because universal design benefits us all.
We are a Neurodivergent family and sensory sensitivities are a huge part of our daily life. Sensory stimuli and information is processed differently by everyone - some more strongly than others. Sensory sensitivities can be extremely difficult to regulate from external influence - noise, textures, smells, tastes, lights, can all be hugely overwhelming; often causing unsettling triggers, emotions, and even pain. On the other hand, seeking specific and preferred sensory input can be exhilarating, relaxing, regulating and very satisfying.
It is paramount to that we continuously develop a wide range of effective and beneficial skincare. Not just with the aim of skin health benefits, but holistic attributes too - incorporating the vast individualistic needs and wants that make us all unique. Based on and inspired by the Chakras, my essential oil sensory blends are targeted therapeutic aromas. For every scented product we produce, we will also offer an unscented.
We are slowly building our range of accessories. We have received some really helpful feedback / requests, and we have reached out for advice and ideas. We advocate and practice the importance of increasing our sustainable and planet friendly materials, but also appreciate that this isn't always possible, accessible, practical or beneficial for everyone. Some of our silicone accessories are sensory satisfying, easier to use, provide a specific texture / feel and have proven really helpful tools for skincare application/removal. Some are also brilliantly encouraging and enjoyable for kids who find wash time overwhelming. As well as looking for sensory inclusive products, we also consider their ease of use - handle length, ease of grip, flexibility and so on.
"Eight years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. More recently; autoimmune conditions, misalignment in my legs, regulation knee displacements, malformation of my patella's and severe deterioration of joints. Over the years when my conditions flare, I have spent months in bed with high level, constant pain. I wear a full leg brace 247 and use crutches or a wheelchair when needed. At times I find dressing and washing not only painful, but spoon depleting. My children and family are a super support team, but I often desperately miss my independence in many ways, especially self care. Brushes can be hard to use, bottle tops are awkward and gripping is pain inducing. For people affected by conditions which alter mobility or strength, an action like holding a slippery soap, twisting a lid, using a pump, pushing down a spray top, or lifting, can be hard and fluctuating. We have added different options for all our bottled products, including pipettes, pumps, caps, sprays and roller balls. Personally, I find the rollerball application fantastic. This way of applying face serum in particular is much easier - it gives a consistent, even layer and means I avoid the sensory overload.
After much research, brain storming and trial and error, I designed a soap bar with a handle grip. My aim was to create a bar of natural, planet and skin friendly soap helpful for people with conditions that may affect arms, hands, back, head or neck movement and/or muscle strength. It was also important for me to find a way for people with sensory sensitivities to experience the benefits of natural soap bars without having to hold them - as some people like to use soap on their skin but don't like the texture of holding the soap bar. The Grip Soap is a joy to use every time; natural soap to cleanse and moisturise, good for my skin, good for the environment, and zero pain!
As a Skincare maker, I am passionate about the benefits of natural ingredients, and want to be able to share that with everyone. This also means financial accessibility; no one should be excluded from healthy products. As a disabled single mum Skincare maker, striving to create a successful and positively impactful small business - barriers need breaking and communities need empowering. Nature provides us with the most wonderful ingredients, it is disappointing when corporation greed takes a precedent, good products are inaccessible and people are marginalised even further.
I Braille all of my product labels by hand using a slate and stylus. I've also chosen the Dyslexic Font for my labels. If you have any suggestions, requests or thoughts, I would love to hear from you. Please drop me an email or fill in the form below." Hannah, Founder.